Written By: How To Write A Great Cover Letter

3 min read

Written communications are now an essential part of all court proceedings in all jurisdictions.

Judges rely on written letters to understand the issues in dispute and make decisions.

In the past, oral arguments in court arguments had an influence in moving a case forward.

In recent years, there has been a gradual transition in most jurisdictions towards legal advocacy in written form. Written address.

Since most legal work is done in written form, good writing skills are a great asset for any lawyer.

Whether you use an oral presentation or a written speech, the goal is always to convince the jury.

To effectively convince a judge, attorneys must record the basic facts of the case in written arguments.

The way you write your written address can have a major impact on the outcome of your case.

These key tips can help a lawyer convince a judge and make a dent in the other side’s case.

Plan your written title.

Like any other part of a legal case, your written speech must be carefully planned and thought out.

There are procedural rules governing written submissions. Therefore, lawyers must follow the structure set out in the court rules.

Planning your written address should start at the beginning when drafting your petition. 

Limit your arguments to the issues raised.

Some attorneys tend to include unrelated cases in their written reports.

Issues not raised in your application are considered irrelevant and should always guide your application when drafting your written submission.

Always remember. Your written address must not contain anything that is not in your application.

Focus your argument on a few issues.

Some lawyers believe that it is better to write and discuss more issues in writing. careless mistake!

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Litigation is not gambling. You should not make the mistake of taking on too many problems and hoping for success in just one of them.

The strategy of covering too many issues in a written speech will only be a waste of energy. Instead of focusing on just a few things.

Avoid personal and emotional arguments in written letters.

Some lawyers find it difficult to control their emotions because the addresses they write resemble personal letters to the judge. 

Emotions have a way of clouding a lawyer’s reasoning. The greater the emotional distance a lawyer is, the more logical his or her arguments are.

One of the best ways to express a title is to write it in the third person, not the third person.

Defend your argument in a short written speech.

There is a limit to how long you can intentionally hold someone’s attention.

People generally suffer from a phenomenon called the law of diminishing returns. If you spend too much time on a particular task, you won’t be able to do it well. 

Therefore, lawyers should keep their speech concise, brief, and direct.

If your written statement contains too many words, it will be difficult for the judge to understand your arguments. Using short sentences and paragraphs makes your ideas clearer. 

Read the sentencing report and write a good memoir.

Sentencing reports are written by the judge and are a gold mine for those who want to understand the judge’s thinking.

Reading the sentencing report will help you understand how the judge analyzed your attorney’s arguments.

Knowing what the judges are looking for helps you clarify your points and focus on what’s important.

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Arguing both sides of an issue in written speech.

It is important to focus on your own submissions, but not ignore the other side’s arguments.

The debate between the two sides gives the judge the opportunity to see the problem from different points of view.

Arguing both sides of an issue will balance your argument and make your presentation stronger.

Decorate your written address to conform to legal authority.

Courts and judges follow and adhere to what are known in law as decision-making principles.

“Decision making” means that judges must follow the principles and previous decisions of higher courts when deciding similar cases.

Backing up your written address with decided cases and legal authority will force the judge to agree with you.

Some attorneys make the mistake of believing that judges know all the laws and therefore do not need to cite legal references. error!

To convince a judge, the legal authority you cite must do what is best for your case.

It is better not to cite legal references than to cite irrelevant sources. Citing unrelated cases and laws will discredit you in the eyes of the judge.

Avoid using harsh language in your written messages.

Another way to lose credibility in the eyes of a judge is to use abusive language in your written speech. There are some words that should not be used in court. 

When speaking with the judge, avoid insults, insults, sarcasm, insults, and other uncivil language.

Research shows that judges tend to choose lawyers who are courteous and polite when dealing with the court and opposing parties.

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Please read your message carefully.

Some titles contain spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

Many attorneys use secretaries to prepare their written addresses and do not proofread them afterward.

There is nothing more frustrating for a judge who is constantly trying to understand the arguments in a written speech.

Avoid long conclusions in your written title.

Judges are very busy and have to read a lot to write their decisions. So don’t jump to conclusions for too long.

Some attorneys view the conclusion as an opportunity to revisit points already covered in the written letter.

Your conclusion should only include a prayer that the court will grant the relief your client is requesting in this case.

Use paragraphs or headers to separate your main points.

Many lawyers lump all their points together, making their written headlines difficult to read.

Using paragraphs or headings to start a new point will help the judge follow your argument sequentially.

Final thoughts on the title as written.

Making a good case and presenting an argument that will convince a judge are two very different things.

Sometimes winning or losing is determined when you file a lawsuit in court. Failure to convince the judge of your position will spell doom for your client.

There is always room to improve your writing style. To practice law successfully, you must absorb the skills outlined in this article.

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